Wednesday, June 22, 2011

wind whistling, like we should tear to pieces the sky

Poor sing-song girls, dirty floor in the back and forth, one by one like Shuangda, and shuffling walk. In the sad tone and a broken accordion piano helplessness of vibrato, the swinging soft waist.Seeing all the heart, while hazy anxiety, everything around is so unsatisfactory, "get out of here." I feel extremely bad.louis vuitton purses 
In the bakery, as long as I said no as it was for others to find freedom and happiness, someone asking the question: "But the girls did not think so."
Then they started me in violent attacks. I was very confident, I feel myself like a dog does not tame, but smarter than the big dogs, and brave, so I told them bluntly, even rage. I realized that the same thinking about life and real life is not easy. I sometimes will have the patience sexy companions to anger, I really do not understand that they would be willing to endure the insult alcoholic boss, their obedience and patience without ending spirit aroused my resentment.
My spirit in a very painful period, at this moment, a turning point of fortune I came in contact with a new idea, although it is hostile to me, but it still struck me from the depths of the soul.
A night of snow, wind whistling, like we should tear to pieces the sky like, thick snow covered the earth, as if the end of the world has come, since the sinking of the sun no longer rises up. This is the Shrovetide night, where I come back from Jielikefu bakery, I squint, against the wind before the snow line, and suddenly my feet is what a trip, fell to the couch on the road is a person whoWe swore to each other, I called Russia, he accused French: "Ah, the devil ..." I was led out of curiosity, I helped him up and let him stand. He tall short, relatively thin. He pushed me about, shouted: "My hat.louis vuitton luggage 

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