Saturday, June 4, 2011

intelligence community one by one

United States has also not been idle. Navy SEAL killed bin Laden after bin Laden hideout and seized a lot of confidential documents, Obama said in his speech at the CIA, which is "seized from the terrorist leaders there, by far the largesttreasure trove of intelligence. " U.S. intelligence community one by one on the intelligence analysis, determined that "base " of revenge organization may be for marine energy supply, including attacks on oil tankers. To this end, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the FBI have been informed of the message to the state law enforcement agencies to increasevigilance.designer coach handbags 

In Pakistan and Afghanistan, bin Laden was killed after militantsattacked several important military and political goals: May 13,the military training center in northern Brazil, was attacked and 80 people dead and 100 wounded; 20, Peshawar, led the United States Museum of the team attacked, 1 dead 11 injured;night, the Pakistan-Afghanistan border NATO convoy was bombed, 16 people were killed; 21 bombing of Afghanistan,Kabul hospital, 6 dead and 23 injured; 22, a naval base inKarachi attacked Hundreds of casualties; 25, attacked the police station in Peshawar, 6 killed and 30 injured. Taliban said in a statement, of which some of them dry, is "for bin Ladenrevenge. " However, the most worrying, or rumors, "base "organization to attack Pakistani nuclear facilities, even nuclear arsenal. Pakistani media recently reported that the attack from22 bases near the Pakistani Army is the King Faisal Air Base, where the store is said to have nuclear weapons. This has led tothe outside world is extremely worrying. May 24, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said, "Pakistan'snuclear arsenal is safe, well-protected, "but nuclear safety "is amatter of concern. "

In Yemen, May 28, "base " branch of the Arabian Peninsulaorganization announced the founding of the southern province ofAbyan. To May 31, government troops are still fighting with themilitants, and captured a number of militants. Media generallybelieve that the incident reflected the "base"organization coach handbags 

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