Monday, June 20, 2011

Material is not noble

This is not the first brought by the quality of the door, she is not necessarily noble. This is an internal self-cultivation of spillover is the spirit of the sculpture, is the blood vessels flowing consciousness, the soul of blooming flowers. Style in the modulation process, she is a talented bartenders, color, taste superb. She will definitely make the good life, tender and beautiful woman is released, not possessed by the Devil to make themselves reduced to vulgar. It is deep-rooted, difficult to be imitated by others and the "clone" of a temperament Secular women always wear the "other" clothes no personality; modern woman to show off that body beautiful brand essence, is a kind of cheesy, kind of clothing women are too assertive and hysteria. This is not just the right style woman.
Style women's clothing embodies the taste. Material is not noble, but revealed in exquisite harmony, dignity and elegance. Perhaps away from the forefront of fashion, but not associating with the worldly; unique in their pursuit of the unique and subtle flavor.
Women do not blindly style makeup; not wear civilian clothes to the dinner; not wearing a pearl necklace poor streets; will not dance at a friend's party ... ... the sound of Fanglangxinghai lojoshua yaplog blog
Style is not necessarily a beautiful woman, but her charming smile, her flowers will be amazing posture Butterfly. Her not to man-made master chest, Buttocks, waspish false sexy. Her body does not make implied debauchery, but she will give people sufficient space for reverie. Even if she quietly, quietly, walking, still Fasan Zhao sultry style.
She did not want to choose how expensive perfume, do not want to use too strong, sexy scent. She is very charming fragrance, she is a style poems, reading her the impression that do not have flavor.
They are not necessarily artists, but has an excellent art of perception. Is this a good artistic temperament, given their unique aesthetic intelligence. Their sound is full of magnetic induction, pleasant to hear, hear his voice enough to aspire to the impossible. Even if the whine, do not feel the demon rule; appropriate touching, not people tired of evil. Her eyes, rippling spring, hook one soul, fascinating and charming. Style woman opened the fireworks fireworks defeat, thousands of style after a lifetime of loneliness.

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