Monday, June 20, 2011

When friends are invited to come later

New Year's to take advantage of some free time, friends to get together. Directly tell my friends to come home so warm and some, but also to his wife and children together. Most of my friends know I love a good cook, and I purchased our wines are expensive, Guizhou, was happy enough to make you thirsty, drunk health. Also prepared two tables specified mahjong, two laptop computers, plus seat home computer, both adults and children play. Also told the names of friends were invited to share and talk about, and the charitable spirit drink.louis vuitton wallets 
When friends are invited to come later, I said: "Those who come to the downstairs phone to ask a few buildings a few buildings a few units, first you apologize, explain you did not come to my house a long time, neglected the brothers had. Any direction feeling bad, do not remember a few floor a few units, and can not accept my apology, how long that memory. "say my friends laugh!
To see two high school grade children to play computer, read middle-grade kids, elementary school or kindergarten kids, feather flock together, people in groups, and lively scenes very impressive, clever can not be made. And naturally extend my infinite love and sigh praise. louis vuitton luggage 
Have been just felt, three from everyone, but today I found that "three-line, there must be political." From kids to play in that some kids intentionally or unintentionally used the political and click on each computer, have revealed their ideology, are trying to get others to follow their own with the same hobby. This may be entirely selfish little child's performance, but there are those who are not political acts selfish?
Friends every word is filled with political overtones, are living in the area speak for themselves or expose the shortcomings in this area have their own point of view as the eyes of God, life partner. People always want to extend their hands for the iron consciousness or truth, so that heaven, earth, human relations relocated, many people want to own the painting toward the circle of activities. This may be a few thousand years of Chinese rule of man the right ideas and the Chinese government's political mood.

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