Tuesday, June 21, 2011

In the yoga world

In the yoga world, I often walk in the open nature, Titaiqingying soft. Sometimes boarded the mountains, list of small hills; sometimes quietly lying on the soft beach, listening to the sea tide, watching seabirds fly. At that time people are so indistinct small, the heart is so broad. A lot of things, a lot of love, in the open nature becomes lighter, became pale, and it seems as dim and distant dream, the human feelings as deep as the earth, not a sad failure and success when jumping for joy, not the disputes and fraud, some pure and honest and simple, some calm and calm.lojoshua yaplog blog
In fact, yoga gives me not only a healthy body and quiet the spirit of enjoyment, and gave me a tenacious, positive philosophy of life. The face of difficulties and setbacks in life, I learned to use yoga to treat the problem of feelings, not because of frustration and crying, not abuse and fight back, I often tell myself that life had not been easy, as long as they had experienced, and this is beautiful. Maybe I was not enough warmth, enough tolerance, but I learned to relax, learn in a rational and ease in dealing with their side of things, see things from another angle, then not take things too hard, nothing is resolved can not, because the world itself is beautiful, and we are part of this world, there is no reason why you can not make their own happy?
Because of yoga, my body more healthy, and I learned to think, love quiet. Never mind, I often put one at home, soothing music, yoga clothing to wear a soft, quiet sitting on the balcony of the ground, stretching himself. Soft sunlight coming through from the window, throwing in my body, I think the time I was warmth, and is soft ... ...reedom-lily blogspot blog

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