Tuesday, June 21, 2011

30 years later

"Chen × × greatest!"
"Well, Chen × ×, you are standing on the left."
Chen × × with a grievance and such like to blame eyes glanced at me, reluctantly stood in the past.
"Who is the second largest?"
"Wang × × '!"
"Wang × ×, × × stand you next to Chen."
Wang × × pique to stand in the past.
The rest of the order by the size of the fish stand in a row, like a thief caught, people handling stolen goods are there, standing in front of wide public court, to accept the blame and shame people ... ...
School, and I finished with the teaching on the matter back to the bedroom. When the conditions are very primitive, the teacher's bedroom in the school. They live young one, the room is also no valuables, generally do not lock the door.
A door on the smelt fishy smell, the basin lying a few fish. Closer inspection, carp! About hand flip, eight! I immediately understand how it happens, is just eight male students to catch that fish! What I want to sort them by size, the eight fish! Made in, the edge of the basin have a note that read: "Teacher, you sick, you catch fish to eat."
My heart once heavy, regret, embarrassment, guilt, self-blame ... ...
That night, in the same room under Ouyang teachers get together, the eight fish a cause of one delicious dish. Teachers eat while praising my students in my class and naive, and the teacher have a conscience. Out of courtesy, I also eat a few bites, but did not taste anything. louis vuitton purses
The next day, I went to class, school, and that several male students like nothing had happened like, with the usual enthusiasm to call me "good teacher", Chen also conspire × × gently asked my ear : "Yesterday the fish good?" I was about to say to him "too much to you yesterday," he would have smiled and ran away.
30 years later, when students have more than 40 years old. They definitely catch fish to be criticized for something that was clean forgotten, and yet, in order of priority that the eight fish, still swimming in my heart always.louis vuitton luggage

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