Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dream round vancouver

Along with the music and carefree falling, and the slow shen xue and zhao hongbo now also finished their story. Deduce This moment they clung together, with perfect performance won the gold in the winter games. Their movements, so perfect, so stretch, give a person with the United States must enjoy. Now we are not watching the game, but in the appreciation of art, appreciate them interpretations of the story. In return, they retired finally finished the Olympic champion dream.
The two men partner to now has made his debut in the course of 18 years, 18 years, very long. 18 years and is very short. From the start, no strength and other players in the championship, which until now how much they only their most clearly. In the beginning they can feel the strength of the gap between awake, from various aspects, and more important is the difference of artistic expression. So they go to Europe and the United States tour, hard work pays. Their rapid progress, even in good form, their progress very quickly. An action, a look. Skill, ability is on the rise. Finally flawless pattern in shen xue and zhao hongbo era, their peak time arrival. In all the big games have appeared in the form of them and won the gold medal. But winter Olympic gold but total and they pass by. For three years always have problems, their wishes difficult to achieve.
When in May 2009, they again in the name of the game when each site, they retired list for two years. They return to the dream-the Olympic gold medal dream. When they appeared in the Pacific stadium pitch, in the short program in the game, we will feel their strength. The strength of the incomparable. Whether the accuracy of the action coordination reached almost perfect degree. They smile, they show the conquest. They won the highest short program-76.66. And in the free game, in front of the athletes are failures, they face relaxed appearances. The joy of their mutual blocked the action, then pass each other of delight, win because of its strength and abilities they are so confident. Look at their performance, and look at each of the movements are completed regulations so well. Action and fluent. Let a person feel fascinated them. Not the kui is flawless veteran. Believe that not only is our television front of audience and the scene audience all got up and shout for joy, all excited about. This moment over Russia for 46 years Olympic champion of monopoly flawless.
Vancouver--let shen xue and zhao hongbo remembered for a lifetime of place. We also impressed on memory.

Seven years of love

시간이 천천히 빠져나가, 메모리가 약간은 흐린 것들 분명했다.통증과 점차 잊혀 졌다고 않으며, 둘은 서로가 활발한 있고, 시간 모두 조용하고 지루한된다.도시를 덮고이 겨울은 평면 다음 활기 차고 아름다운 세상이 아니라 나를 위해 거짓말을,,, 인자를 출력한다.사람을 침묵으로 사용하면 작성하거나 때로는 종이에 그리기, 그리고 때로는 그들이 단순히 펜 낙서. 때때로 다른 커버, 다른 위치로 가득 네 개의 대형 노트북 7 년간 바라 보았다,하지만 무겁지만, 압도 아닌 사람과 동일합니다. , 이변이없는 터치을 대담하게하지 않았다. 공포의 느낌 슬픈 결코 휩쓸고있다.어느 날 우연히 내 눈을 잘 줄을 약간의 표시, 갑자기 나에게, 생계를 만들기 위해, 오래된지고, 당신이 자동으로 모든 것을주고 생각하고, 이제 드디어 여러분의 몸에서 이해 발견 지불하는 침묵의 사랑입니다 사람의 가장 좋은 표현. 그러나,이 모든 이해를 조금 너무 늦은 것 같다, 난 당신이 살해되는 감정을 소중히 모르겠지만 ...갈 길이 멀다 후, 모두 너무 많은 인수가 있기 때문에 우리도 있기 때문에 부상의 서로를 믿지 않기 때문에, 우리에겐 굉장히 힘든 도전이 될 것 같다 지금은 피곤에 대한 완료 및 수없는 각각의 다툼 양측은 겸손으로 인해하지 않습니다, 그리고 시끄러운되는 점점 심화 감정은 조금 라이터입니다. 때문에 그들이 그 파티의 가장 상처되는 두 느낌, 아무도 제비가, 그래서 우리 두 사람, 두 슬픈 영화처럼 자신의 슬픈 장소가 있지만, 서로의 상처를 치료하기를 꺼려 아르 이제 국방 원인 벽 같은과 깊은. 그러나 사랑을 7 년간은 그렇게 쉽게 포기 수 있도록 싶지 않아? 우리는이 7 년간 서로를 비난, 서로를 재생 있습니까? 난 당신이 사랑은 사실 느낄 수 각각 싸우고 밤에 잠못드는 눈을 후 침묵의 사랑 정말 때부터 믿고 자신의 마음의 싸움을 물어 봐야만하고, 그것은 잃어버린 올려 , 인내와 이해하기 위해 진료, 아마도 우리는 행복합니다. 사실, 사랑이 더 옳고, 오직 누가 누가 읽을 수 없어!당신도 다음 생활하지만, 당신이, 그것이 환생의 Huakaihuaxie, 어땠는지, 태어나게되었다만이 우리가 더 외롭고 무기력하게되며, 손가락이 소리면, 그것은 사람을 현혹하는 그림자가 있다고 말했다 베일을 멀어져 이 삶이 마무리 할 수​​있는 용기를 가지고있는 경우, 다음 생활에 대한 이야기​​. 다음 생활에 그런 용기가있다면,뿐 아니라 이익 오는 일, 행복을 많이 재배, 토양에 침묵의 현재 사랑에서이 생명 우리를하도록 할 수 있습니다.2010 년 사랑의 전체 7 년간 우리 두 사람 더 많은 침묵, 더욱 인수, 또는 당신이 기억이 일기에 쓴 때 휴식 후 7 년 동안 하루 종일 무엇에 대한 대가로 의 "나, 나는 당신에게 천년을 사랑합니다." 서로를 치료하기 위해 감사 마음으로 그것을 취급 선반을 넣어, 내가 함께 이러한 일곱 생활 희망, 오직 사랑 이상 결국 고집을 후회하게됩니다. 우리가 결실을하기 때문에 통증은 서로 ... 너무 너무 행복하고, 하드 원 사랑, 우리는 또한 미소 대신 침묵 일을 공유하는, 어쩌면 무언가, 긴 부재를해야합니다.19~25년에서들은 이야기 11 봉인된 상태 였어요. 칠년로 찍은 모든 슬프고 고통도 우리가 항상 지난 일에 살고 수 없기 때문에 모두가, 멀리 갈 뻔한 때, 우리는 7 년 각 이야기의 달콤한 꿀 후 것입니다. 몇 년 후, 등, 등 삶의 마지막 부분으로 7 년 동안 각각의 우리가 함께 공유 기억. 아마 사실, 슬픈 처음 7 년, 행복의 시작의 본질이며, 이해합니다

Sunday, June 26, 2011

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나는 오래 쓰지 않았어요, 이상한 발견을 작성하기 시작했다. 그들이 선택한 그것을 좋아하지하는 데 사용되는 칼을 선택하기 전에 이러한 것들의 대부분은, 당신이 그녀가 갑자기 요리에 가고 싶은 사람이 너무 오랫동안 요리를하지 느낄 것이다. 가끔은 저도 개인적으로 Cipian 자신의 작품을 알고 역시 멋진 느낌이 한 단어 사이에 이전에 서면 어떤 기사를 읽고, 같은 작가의 마음과 능력과 통찰력이 인상적와 같은 것입니다. 아니 자랑하지만, 자신의 현재에 비해, 그들은 인명을 느낄 수 있습니다.
그 여자는 위대한 정신 세계를 가지고, 또는 영혼의 모양이나 아름다움을 보여줍니다. 나는 마음이 흐름의 유일한 모양되었습니다 겸손 사람이고 세속 세계 수 없습니다. 그렇지만, 나 또한 문제없이 수없는, 그러나 홍수가 시간 전 아일린 장 오즈의 마법사 중 하나입니다 풍경, 여자와 사랑에 빠졌다. 그들은 젊은이들이 결실 때문입니다 천재로 우울 서부 유럽 표준시 때보기 아일린 장의 생명은 젊은 가족이 잘 떨어졌을 때, 텍스트의 상하이의 매력적인 해석의 가을 인치 그녀는 "여자 갑자기 천재 ​​결혼 '보다 삶의 불행을 생각하지만, 불행히도 후 Lancheng,  기분좋은 재치를 만난되었습니다. tassels과 마찬가지로 팬 리우, 만난 타락한 도시에서 그와 함께 연주. tassels의 꿈을 이루도록 상하이 가을, 아이들을 고통 민족의 현실에게 있습니다. 이것은 함께 어떤 삶에 대해 이야기하기 위해 지점장과 연결되지 않습니다! 그는, 그녀처럼 잔혹한로 심술쟁이. 놀라운 그녀의 아름다운 재능이 급하게 그것을 사랑하는, 그들은 아직도 이국에 가서 친구를 찾고, 나쁜, 그래서 진한 녹색 아름다운 여인을 느낄 이렇게! 누구에게 하나님은 그의 생명 결국 직선 아니라, 완료되지 않았습니다.louis vuitton luggage 이 시점에서 우리는 즐거운 아이들의 세계에서 가장 아름다운 여성 중 하나라는 것을, 햅번의 생각. 하나님은 그녀의 아름다운 얼굴을 준 더 나은 사랑을하지 주었다. 두번만이 지난 12 봄 거리 영혼을 사랑하는 실제 사람과 이혼. 또 다른 예를 들어 테레사, 세련된 목소리뿐 아니라 부양 가족 수있는 좋은 결혼하지 않습니다. 그들은 최고의 경관을 가지고 있지만, 여성이 '함께 삶 "라는 단어를 항상 호출 즐길 수없는 세상! 정말 속상해서 명.
진 후아 강, 밝은 번쩍 이는 이야기의 많은 해석에 여자가 안으로 큰 좋은 얼굴,하지만, 겸손한 상태를했습니다. 그들은 내가 좋은 시간을 모르 비교 Pinghua 일반 훌륭한 여성으로 실력으로 Chuiladanchang, 잉크를 Xiwen하지만, 또한 있지만, 가능한 유일한 어린이 누가 남편되었습니다. 오직 한 여자가 명예의 보 다 밖으로 무서워 결코, 아마 당신은 재현부 그녀의 사랑 결혼 Fuchangfusui을 동정, 그녀를 이해하기 위해, 관계없이 세속의 찾을 수 있습니다. 하나는 얼마나 좋은 Jieru 의향이있다면! 10 어머니가 가난한 LI 지아를 경험했다, 샤오 완은 마오 Bijiang를 만났, Xiangjun가 는걸 Fangyu 만났다. 슬픈 이야기에 대해 이야기 많이, Nver은 끝없는 스트리밍 눈물.louis vuitton luggage 남자와 심술이, 여성은 그 깊은 영혼을 말할 수 있다고 말할 수있는, 평등한 사랑을 허락하지 않을 것이다. 전세계 Vicissitudes가 볼이 세계의 웰빙의 최고를 읽어, 가장 평범한을 느낄 것입니다. 사람들은 그녀가 괜찮 은데 존경하지, 사람들은 그의 죽음까지 하얀에서 온, 그녀의 삶의 경험이 좋은 거리에 행복과 일치 도보에만 의지 부럽진 않아요. 아마도 이것은 여성의 대부분은 그것을 요​​청합니다! 그 노래 전에, "... 표시줄을 결혼하는 좋은 사람을 찾아"하지만 인수는 현실이 더 이상 없습니다. 비록 당신이 천 피키, 완 선택하면 끝이 단지 LI 지아의 무자 비한 포기 때까지 기다릴 수 있습니다 Hulan 쳉의 사랑 자녀가 이동, 더 이상 듀얼 이동된 듀얼 서식지 노래도하고 아무것도 넓은 사망 증서 말을하지 않으며, 오직 투표 것을 눈물 장쩌민은 비참 이동되었습니다. Zhuo Wenjun의 눈물과 흑흑는 "받을 의향이있다 하나, 늙은 나이의 단계를하지 않는"유일한 Simaxiangru 유지, 사실,이 모든 여자가 행복을 원한다이다, 아무도 기꺼이 당신이 원숭이를 승진 다른 예상치 못한 희망 없다 흥미로운 아무것도, 당신은 이전에 보냅니다. 안녕, 내 누추한 영혼처럼 보이는가 세속 사람에, 그것은 단지 그러한 사치했다.

In the spring of the care

Yesterday I went to the back, suddenly received little RongZi afternoon from jinan to call my phone, let I was thrilled and happy. Until today that sweet voice stayed my ears, let I can't forget long.
Spring sunshine, I opened the window, let the spring breeze gently with me, and that the rest of his comfortable very generous. In this beautiful season, missing the passion in strong of outburst. I look up the streets, the star near the yews, swaying in LiuYa appeared to green. Must be you jump on the dance, the most beautiful in front of me, a beautiful light.
I know that is a tacit understanding of the inspiration for our acquaintance happened, the heart has no any distance between. At this time, the distance you understand? When you have become my habit, CARES for you every day becomes my mind. I finally to deeply understand the dreaming the meaning of the word, and let me let thorough know missing is a kind of what kind of taste! In countless acacia, quiet night we met back after the little drops, always makes me can't fall asleep in silence, that kind of pain due care have seed!
Spring is a beautiful season, see the road was covered with yellow flower, gave me endless imagination of opportunities. Used in this day, put a my favorite song, one of the song "care" always in my ears, like the beautiful melody in that quiet, silently thinking about you. CARES for you is not only a kind of light feeling, it is a thick deep feeling. Care never in my heart, it is a kind of can not give up thoughts, wherever you are, I will always worried about you. Care became a deep feelings.lojoshua yaplog blog
Stepping moonlight, come home every day at this time, I have of the lights to the sky like the sky star twinkling stars. Light to hum a serenade, I am thinking of you. Think of you thinking of going back, and I remember is the gold star like the kind you kind heart. Your kind let me a long time to see you again, seems to be moved out of my mind, in front of me always beautiful, both the work or care at leisure time has become me to you of a habit.
Spring night, I a person in a deserted street shuttle, occasionally, seems to be the expectations of your ZiYu me strong heart. I know each other's encounter that is accidental, and I was trying to realize the only endeavor in this lifetime. Romantic colour, it seems, had not suitable for me this age paragraph the person, but more far means more close. Maybe you can't hear me about your name in gently, truly, truly, I say to you, that is the world there is a person worried about you, this night, I again and again calls your name, at the moment of you, belong to me...
CARES, let you get in soft soft music is peace, like the market that trees, you are the handsome crook blooming flower, pure and fresh and the nameless I long acerbity eyes. You are that the New Year's green casual walk into my heart, slowly disperse small cold in my heart.
CARES for you, it is light, soft and least expect them to. Whether you are often the thick missing, a bitter miss and scorching deep feeling that hangs over the, although I not known, but I am a true, the truth is often in the thoughts and worried about you.
Filar silk about, this is a kind of special to you good sense, is from deep inside the kind in wish, is the selfless sincere feelings, is when the exchange, meet bosom of opening the heart in the window, let the sun injection, let the green from our view, why don't you let this genuine feeling the full of harmonious, full of laughter? The vast sea of humanity, I would like you to become a drop in the ocean, really worried about missing people who know each other, let us be knit! Maybe the contract although will appear heart "meet the midnight people don't come, idle knocks castle to fall snuff" case. But of that, of that persistent, waiting for a waiting, enough to make touched, make yourself without shake. Look forward with a ship of stars, share the harvest in people cared about the sorrow of and joy.reedom-lily blogspot blog
Care is the beginning of the hope, hope is the set of hope, hope is down, down the market is the end of despair. But always hope also called together, come loose also run; Every little bit make care. The truth about all things, human. We care about that we filled with heart and soul communication, and that we care enough in the world. Along the way, anger, sorrow and happiness we walk together, may the years we cordiality precipitation into the most fragrant memories, warm our mind notepad.

Friday, June 24, 2011

they were particularly difficult to learn

"It was my mother and I are talking about my biological mother. I think she is in Kiev where the beggar, drunk, when the police slapped."
"Oh, blame the poor!" Thought the mother alone, with a sigh.
Natasha whispered, quickly and enthusiastically I do not know what has been said. It was news that the Huohuo Er loud voice.
"Hey, you're young, friends, bitter drink not enough! Having children is certainly not easy, but they were particularly difficult to learn, but ..."
"Oh, really twice!" The mother cried in my heart, she could not help but think and say kind words Huohuo Er. However, this Dangkou Er door was slowly pushed open. Nikolai Denisov Ravi blame her husband came in Greece, he is old thief Dani La's son, is the area where workers are well-known eccentric man, he always gloomy face, avoiding all the people, so people are laugh at him.
His mother asked him in surprise:
"You come to do, Nicholas?"
He wiped his hand with a pair of big cheekbones prominent pock-marked, not chatted on the muffled asked:
"Ba Weier home?"
"Not at home."

cold little hand force to friction crimson cheeks

"Where, not later!" Huo Huoer looking outside the room to answer. "Came from?"
"Of course you are Ba Weier Mikhail Pavlovich mother? Hello! My name is Natasha ..."
"Parent name?" Mother asked.
"West also Pavlovna where you do?"
  "Well, we know ..."
"Look!" Wei Tan like a mother to be a cry, a smile looking at this girl.
Huo Huoer help her take off your coat, asked her:
"Cold outside! Wind ..."
Her voice was mellow and Chen Xi, a small mouth, a little swelled, her whole body rounded and healthy. Off his coat, she immediately used her pair of red wind was cold little hand force to friction crimson cheeks. Long thick boots marching followed by very loud to the floor, hastily entered the house the morning to.
"Do not even wear overshoes!" The idea flashed in her mother heart.
"Yes ah!" Girl trembling, prolonged voice. "Frozen, oh!"
"I'll be burning stove to go!" Mother walked into the kitchen."Moment to come ..."
She felt the girl she has long been recognized, early on she seemed like a good mother with a sort of love and pity, she continued with a smile, listening to the conversation inside the room.
"Why are you so bored that Huo Deka?" The girl asked.
"Well, - is. Huohuo Er whispered answer." The mother's eyes is very nice, I think my mother probably have such eyes. I often think of a mother, I felt old, she probably still alive. "
"Did not you say she dead?"

Thursday, June 23, 2011

a piece of wood in the pink clouds of smoke

"Did not say anything, I said to myself it ..."
He looked up into the distance black scenery, sighed:
"Life is so beautiful ah."louis vuitton handbags 
I agree to go along and said:
"Yes ah, very good."
We just sit side by side in the Volga river, Ren Shiguang rush passage from night to sit dawn.
Volga river flow in the night like a black velvet band like flowing, and the sky echoes with the Galaxy, given a few big stars shine bright in the mysterious Youyuan night, we caught the fascination.
Clouds on the distant prairie showing a bright pink, sun goddess has been pulled open the door, showing such as the peacock-like beauty.
"Oh the sun is beautiful." Yi Zuoer without losing time to smile to himself.
Apple season is blooming, everywhere is a piece of wood in the pink clouds of smoke such as fog and with bitter aroma, every corner of the village is full of such fragrance, a unique kind of smoke before and also taste great baked washed talk about it.
Countless apple trees dressed in festive costumes, from the village has been extended to the field, as if to meet what the grand festival.
Spring breeze, Lang Lang tomorrow, restless people's mood, breeze swept flowers, flowers swaying gently rustled the sound bursts out corruption throughout the country is bright blue waters flooded, and blow Qi piece of ripples.
Ultimately, the beautiful night nightingale's song.louis vuitton outlet 

many books on tour along the river

"You ran here?" He may not ask a question, sitting next to me, a long silence, eyes gazing at the sky, the Volga River and You Yuan, hands stroked the beautiful golden Hu Shun.lojoshua yaplog blog
He finally spoke up, told me his dream:
"And then I have achieved, read many, many books on tour along the river to see the country, see everything, and I also educate others. Brother, you know?
Able to speak out frankly the truth is really a pleasure.
"Sometimes with the ladies talk about, they can not quite understand. Not long ago, I met a ladies, she sat on my board asked me: 'how to cellar after it dies?
I do not believe what heaven and hell. 'You see they are not also ... "he racked his brains to find a suitable word child, and finally said:" thinking of you ... "Isa Stewart used to night life, for the beautiful things he is extraordinarily sensitive, and good use of light and soften the tone child said about the nightmare world of good.
He believed in God and other people are different, not because of fear and terror, he thought of God as much tall handsome old, God is supreme, is the world's Creator. The reason why the world is still a false, evil, endure, because: "He was too busy, and this world there are many new life every day to come.
To eradicate the evil but Zaozaowanwan thing, do not believe the wait and see.
"One thing I do not understand why Jesus to come up with anything, I really can not imagine how much he Dayong, a God would be sufficient. The Son of God simply can not get off, I think God is born of water ... ... "Isa Duarte sake of mind has been silent. Occasionally sigh, said: "Oh. Is so ..." "you say?"reedom-lily blogspot blog

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

wind whistling, like we should tear to pieces the sky

Poor sing-song girls, dirty floor in the back and forth, one by one like Shuangda, and shuffling walk. In the sad tone and a broken accordion piano helplessness of vibrato, the swinging soft waist.Seeing all the heart, while hazy anxiety, everything around is so unsatisfactory, "get out of here." I feel extremely bad.louis vuitton purses 
In the bakery, as long as I said no as it was for others to find freedom and happiness, someone asking the question: "But the girls did not think so."
Then they started me in violent attacks. I was very confident, I feel myself like a dog does not tame, but smarter than the big dogs, and brave, so I told them bluntly, even rage. I realized that the same thinking about life and real life is not easy. I sometimes will have the patience sexy companions to anger, I really do not understand that they would be willing to endure the insult alcoholic boss, their obedience and patience without ending spirit aroused my resentment.
My spirit in a very painful period, at this moment, a turning point of fortune I came in contact with a new idea, although it is hostile to me, but it still struck me from the depths of the soul.
A night of snow, wind whistling, like we should tear to pieces the sky like, thick snow covered the earth, as if the end of the world has come, since the sinking of the sun no longer rises up. This is the Shrovetide night, where I come back from Jielikefu bakery, I squint, against the wind before the snow line, and suddenly my feet is what a trip, fell to the couch on the road is a person whoWe swore to each other, I called Russia, he accused French: "Ah, the devil ..." I was led out of curiosity, I helped him up and let him stand. He tall short, relatively thin. He pushed me about, shouted: "My hat.louis vuitton luggage 

red hands and feet of the prosperity

She was an alcoholic, drunk on like a buffoon, is a different person when sober, she was calm, cool, thoughtful character who I admire.lojoshua yaplog blog
"The most surprising thing is that seminary students." She said, "They really will play: let the girl playing on the floor with soap, then red hands and feet of the prosperity of the girl down on four plates, and then by pushing against the girl's ass beat, to see her on the floor sliding distance a finished, come one, you say, What kind do you want? "
"You talk nonsense." I said.
"Yo, why should I lie Yeah." She cried, still peace of mind to say, but with a kind of peace among the means to convince people.
"This is your own made up."
"How could a girl compile this thing? I'm not crazy?" Her eyes stare up.
We listen with our argument, Jie Luosha continue to use the plain words of calm and tell antics of their clients, who she would like to find out: Why do people do this?
The presence of people are spit onto the ground in disgust, they swore foul language. I thought Jie Luosha intentionally slander my favorite students, said to them, students are loving the people want a good living.
"You say that V Si Keluo Senka Asian students in the school street, I said from outside the city to Al Gdansk Pol seminary students who are the church, are orphans. Orphans grow up a must be a thief, rogue, scoundrel, who unfeeling. "
"Mother" to tell stories and prostitutes for college students, have said the elite standing as resentment, my companions are not just dislike Qifen, is full of surprises, they found that: "So, These people are not educated as we do. "
Listen to them say, I very sad. Looked at them, these people feel like the city of dust, this should go to the garbage heap of now to this dark little room, where the filth of tossing a pass, and with a belly full of resentment spread to Kazan every corner of the go.Depressed because of their passion and life to hide from all this dirty cave, very ridiculous singing and moving love songs, talking about educated people of the Yi text interesting, this is their usual style: sarcasm, ridicule, hostility They do not understand. I even think that "fireworks Willow Lane" is a university, my companions received from the ugliness of university knowledge.reedom-lily blogspot blog

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Colleagues at work today

Colleagues at work today and when the shopping trip around town, there's somethingyour son see my eyes everywhere. Wanted to engage in activities to take advantage oftoday's shopping malls to buy point of cosmetics, but found nothing, my favorite mallcosmetic counters do not participate in activities, but without affecting my mood. There is no target lock we aimlessly Guangzhao, look east, look west. Shopping malls and not because of promotions and become very crowded, and always a kind.
We have gone through a jewelry counter, clock counter, came to girls clothing area,although we do not intend to buy clothes or go shopping. Fellow colleagues all have to watch their favorite clothes, I have to choose on their own. A skirt into my eyes, very common, but very generous, the color is moderate, is for me. I let the salesperson to find me a suitable model of me, went to the dressing room. Wear on the body, can not believe it is their own, even better than imagined results. Looked at the price tag, the price than I thought it would be much more expensive. I came out from the dressing room in front of the mirror according to the picture, my colleagues gave me that look good, let me buy it. I hesitated and gave a salesperson.
I look forward to the arrival of summer quickly, although the climate in the summer somany people find it difficult to accept, but I love it. I like it hot season. Rather, I began tolike this from last season. For this season I can show different. Until last year, when Ichoose the clothes, the assembly is always casual shoes, dress last summer I fell in love. Summer, I never wear high heels, in addition to work, last summer, I fell in love withhigh heels. Sports shoes, casual wear is hidden inside the bright and lively personality,dress and high heels, but there is another show out of me, I am feminine. Although thisappears to me that some of narcissism, but I like this me. Since then I fell in love withthis season.

In the yoga world

In the yoga world, I often walk in the open nature, Titaiqingying soft. Sometimes boarded the mountains, list of small hills; sometimes quietly lying on the soft beach, listening to the sea tide, watching seabirds fly. At that time people are so indistinct small, the heart is so broad. A lot of things, a lot of love, in the open nature becomes lighter, became pale, and it seems as dim and distant dream, the human feelings as deep as the earth, not a sad failure and success when jumping for joy, not the disputes and fraud, some pure and honest and simple, some calm and calm.lojoshua yaplog blog
In fact, yoga gives me not only a healthy body and quiet the spirit of enjoyment, and gave me a tenacious, positive philosophy of life. The face of difficulties and setbacks in life, I learned to use yoga to treat the problem of feelings, not because of frustration and crying, not abuse and fight back, I often tell myself that life had not been easy, as long as they had experienced, and this is beautiful. Maybe I was not enough warmth, enough tolerance, but I learned to relax, learn in a rational and ease in dealing with their side of things, see things from another angle, then not take things too hard, nothing is resolved can not, because the world itself is beautiful, and we are part of this world, there is no reason why you can not make their own happy?
Because of yoga, my body more healthy, and I learned to think, love quiet. Never mind, I often put one at home, soothing music, yoga clothing to wear a soft, quiet sitting on the balcony of the ground, stretching himself. Soft sunlight coming through from the window, throwing in my body, I think the time I was warmth, and is soft ... ...reedom-lily blogspot blog

30 years later

"Chen × × greatest!"
"Well, Chen × ×, you are standing on the left."
Chen × × with a grievance and such like to blame eyes glanced at me, reluctantly stood in the past.
"Who is the second largest?"
"Wang × × '!"
"Wang × ×, × × stand you next to Chen."
Wang × × pique to stand in the past.
The rest of the order by the size of the fish stand in a row, like a thief caught, people handling stolen goods are there, standing in front of wide public court, to accept the blame and shame people ... ...
School, and I finished with the teaching on the matter back to the bedroom. When the conditions are very primitive, the teacher's bedroom in the school. They live young one, the room is also no valuables, generally do not lock the door.
A door on the smelt fishy smell, the basin lying a few fish. Closer inspection, carp! About hand flip, eight! I immediately understand how it happens, is just eight male students to catch that fish! What I want to sort them by size, the eight fish! Made in, the edge of the basin have a note that read: "Teacher, you sick, you catch fish to eat."
My heart once heavy, regret, embarrassment, guilt, self-blame ... ...
That night, in the same room under Ouyang teachers get together, the eight fish a cause of one delicious dish. Teachers eat while praising my students in my class and naive, and the teacher have a conscience. Out of courtesy, I also eat a few bites, but did not taste anything. louis vuitton purses
The next day, I went to class, school, and that several male students like nothing had happened like, with the usual enthusiasm to call me "good teacher", Chen also conspire × × gently asked my ear : "Yesterday the fish good?" I was about to say to him "too much to you yesterday," he would have smiled and ran away.
30 years later, when students have more than 40 years old. They definitely catch fish to be criticized for something that was clean forgotten, and yet, in order of priority that the eight fish, still swimming in my heart always.louis vuitton luggage

I remember 1973

I remember 1973, my home of a rural primary schools to teach fifth grade. At the age of 20, teaching was more than a year. As the young, easy to make friends with students, plus my school seriously, speaking of humor, popular with students love; but also because young and fit, sometimes misunderstood students, for students wronged.
One afternoon, the class on self-study courses. I am quite heavy because of flu, the layout of the work went on back to the office. Soon after class, I go to class received the job and found several male students are not in the classroom.
"They gone?" I asked.
Students are looking at me, do not answer. Question once again, efforts to monitor out the window and a Nuzui. lojoshua yaplog blog
I looked out the window, found not far from being dry pond. Dry pond is home to local, then, is that farmers drained the water fishing ponds. We can xiatangji to catch fish, stocking of fish caught to go public, caught fish and other wild fish can be attributed to their own. Several male students that are energetically catch fish too! I fire, the squad leader Qu Han called them back.
Soon, eight male students covered in mud, all of them carrying a bar carp, standing back of the room, waiting for my disposal.
"Why did you go to catch fish?" I sternly asked.
They all head down afraid to look at me.
"You really have the ability to ah! Class can not, the job can not write, to see the soul on the hook to go to catch fish, must be very fun, right?" I go in a circle around them, suddenly want a sure way to let them out fool, "to catch the fish touches a lot of the students, you have to look at, who catch the biggest fish you?"reedom-lily blogspot blog

Monday, June 20, 2011

When friends are invited to come later

New Year's to take advantage of some free time, friends to get together. Directly tell my friends to come home so warm and some, but also to his wife and children together. Most of my friends know I love a good cook, and I purchased our wines are expensive, Guizhou, was happy enough to make you thirsty, drunk health. Also prepared two tables specified mahjong, two laptop computers, plus seat home computer, both adults and children play. Also told the names of friends were invited to share and talk about, and the charitable spirit drink.louis vuitton wallets 
When friends are invited to come later, I said: "Those who come to the downstairs phone to ask a few buildings a few buildings a few units, first you apologize, explain you did not come to my house a long time, neglected the brothers had. Any direction feeling bad, do not remember a few floor a few units, and can not accept my apology, how long that memory. "say my friends laugh!
To see two high school grade children to play computer, read middle-grade kids, elementary school or kindergarten kids, feather flock together, people in groups, and lively scenes very impressive, clever can not be made. And naturally extend my infinite love and sigh praise. louis vuitton luggage 
Have been just felt, three from everyone, but today I found that "three-line, there must be political." From kids to play in that some kids intentionally or unintentionally used the political and click on each computer, have revealed their ideology, are trying to get others to follow their own with the same hobby. This may be entirely selfish little child's performance, but there are those who are not political acts selfish?
Friends every word is filled with political overtones, are living in the area speak for themselves or expose the shortcomings in this area have their own point of view as the eyes of God, life partner. People always want to extend their hands for the iron consciousness or truth, so that heaven, earth, human relations relocated, many people want to own the painting toward the circle of activities. This may be a few thousand years of Chinese rule of man the right ideas and the Chinese government's political mood.

Material is not noble

This is not the first brought by the quality of the door, she is not necessarily noble. This is an internal self-cultivation of spillover is the spirit of the sculpture, is the blood vessels flowing consciousness, the soul of blooming flowers. Style in the modulation process, she is a talented bartenders, color, taste superb. She will definitely make the good life, tender and beautiful woman is released, not possessed by the Devil to make themselves reduced to vulgar. It is deep-rooted, difficult to be imitated by others and the "clone" of a temperament Secular women always wear the "other" clothes no personality; modern woman to show off that body beautiful brand essence, is a kind of cheesy, kind of clothing women are too assertive and hysteria. This is not just the right style woman.
Style women's clothing embodies the taste. Material is not noble, but revealed in exquisite harmony, dignity and elegance. Perhaps away from the forefront of fashion, but not associating with the worldly; unique in their pursuit of the unique and subtle flavor.
Women do not blindly style makeup; not wear civilian clothes to the dinner; not wearing a pearl necklace poor streets; will not dance at a friend's party ... ... the sound of Fanglangxinghai lojoshua yaplog blog
Style is not necessarily a beautiful woman, but her charming smile, her flowers will be amazing posture Butterfly. Her not to man-made master chest, Buttocks, waspish false sexy. Her body does not make implied debauchery, but she will give people sufficient space for reverie. Even if she quietly, quietly, walking, still Fasan Zhao sultry style.
She did not want to choose how expensive perfume, do not want to use too strong, sexy scent. She is very charming fragrance, she is a style poems, reading her the impression that do not have flavor.
They are not necessarily artists, but has an excellent art of perception. Is this a good artistic temperament, given their unique aesthetic intelligence. Their sound is full of magnetic induction, pleasant to hear, hear his voice enough to aspire to the impossible. Even if the whine, do not feel the demon rule; appropriate touching, not people tired of evil. Her eyes, rippling spring, hook one soul, fascinating and charming. Style woman opened the fireworks fireworks defeat, thousands of style after a lifetime of loneliness.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Then the king of Louis Vuitton bags

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Louis Vuitton bags burning leaves swiftly ran in entrance of Lanmou filled owning only a tiny anger, only a tiny look. Yes, she do not want him to kill. But to this place problems do not kill does not work, she swiftly take advantage of the mind cells, hoping to appear up owning a surefire plan.
Then the king of Greece and Laya are confused, this tiny boy, he ran on this type of the important time, through the carry out desire to do, to create why the normal cold, and arrogant Louis Vuitton bags he would consider be aware of it?
Burning leaves when all of a sudden desire to go as an ideal offer as Olympia identity card and the fact that Macedonian queen treatment set identification, consider the time toward the Olympia, through the wish she can help.
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King of Athens Louis Vuitton handbags

"As extended when you are ready to bypass my brother, to not mention a 10 will do." Laya not wait around to say.lojoshua yaplog blog
King of Athens, however the part calmly asked: "What is His regal Highness Prince right conditions?"
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Greece astonished the king first, after which immediately restore calm, said: "His regal Highness arranged below not known Bai Wangzi what? Athens, I experienced one thousand troops guarding the neighborhood ownership of His regal Highness the Prince."
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He appear at Louis Vuitton bags, he experienced no face, golden eyesight chilly as ice. Laya pale, it just does not appear so powerful up.reedom-lily blogspot blog
He turned to appear at this tiny boy, for near to the sincere Lanmou. Do not know what there is primarily a force pulling him in, informed him, I think this tiny boy. This exceptional pair of eyes, regardless of the reality that eyesight pursuing a extended tusk was not in tune, but even now people these times can not help but to believe.
Such a extended time, he identified as people these times brought a gold on top of that to the swiftly intimidated, the goddess of wisdom Athena above the gorgeous relief. He Firmly swiftly intimidated to burning leaves, murmured: "Please defend me in Athens!"

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Like evening time

Like evening time, impartial using the window, viewing the city from above the lanterns. such as the evening subsequent the storm, the sunlight was setting slowly, that consist of blood-like. anybody walking within your rainfall cleaned the slate near to the road, viewing the wet eco-friendly eye entire of swaying within your wind, but my ideas was silent lonely Teng increasing wave, my dear, in the event you are me, you can possess the ability to completely grasp me Nowata no solitude and loneliness.
Fantasy and I lookup forward to each and every spring, the complete invested in Qiqiyiyi each and every bloom, I have missed. Fallen flowers are consistently looking on the floor, alas, consistently informed myself that up coming year, up coming yr I will not miss, and up coming yr recovery up coming year, a spring ah, that is what sort of loss? in the event you are my, how how can you allow me alone within your mild rainfall slipping within your melancholy?
I understand that spring goes, she factors out basic to decline, along using the reality hard to find. red-colored Miles, few of people nowadays can perform not proceed the heart, unwavering love? maybe a hundred thousand turn back again subsequent I lookup back, only to locate the reality initially in place, the man experienced within your dim light. within your haunted previous of all all those beautiful, do not sway is consistently warmth pair of eyes.
When i experienced been hopelessly addicted for the desire that Cardinal, I wish you my salvation, please do not allow me get lost, do not allow my tears on the borders of desire sway, do not allow me fall, do not I such as the leaf lonely boat, within your surging sea of ​​ups and downs. in the event you are me, you completely grasp my heartache that you just give each of the confusion.
My dear, I desire to say to you, if Xiangxi, MO abandoned, if love, Mo reside up to. in the event you are my, you must believe, permanently is not really a myth, lifestyle jointly is really common, as prolonged since the heart, we are able to consistently hold it lightly all using the mounting face. Perhaps, you by no implies know, I susceptible Enron sinking soul, because you by no implies develop to be me.
School, and I report toward college successfully, and I cherish this probability to learn. Sister usually authored to me asking if I find out daily diet plan and so on. She mentioned Tuesday: "The college must acquire much more food, enough money, I provide you with to remit ..." the finish off of every semester, I took residence a "good student", "outstanding scholar student type leader," the honor and prizes.

hen the spring once more

When the spring once more slip from in between the fingers, the summer time would arrive dressed in costumes, singing along. below the warm sun, cicadas, that consist of drums, the sunlight through the curtains using the aperture, according for the face, may possibly nevertheless blazing. This afternoon, I sat in the front of desktops near to the business office who are common using the music, the distribute of any memory space as silk each and every corner using the room.danncy dtiblog blog
Thoughts that consist of wind, locate direction, both north-south east west, wanton walk. memory space gap, when opened, it's in my center like an avalanche engulfed me again. At this moment, in the event you experienced been me, you must know, in fact, will lose the mountains, since it rose increased and increased summer time temperatures.
Once when we have interlocking fingers, each and every guarantee of Stone, invested the up coming four weeks preceding to Erbinsimo. I would burst into tears each and every time the separation of your discomfort and harm because of me, because I laugh and just let. along using the many years like a cruel knife, she reduce away the previous infatuation, however it reduce appropriate through memory. all those lopsided great since the scenery along the way in which within your past, grew to be the center with probably the most beautiful tie him down. in the event you are me, you should really know, preserve my center has long been in place, which means you lookup back.
If one morning we no lengthier meet, regardless of whether within your center I prolonged to live? The ashes experienced been scattered within your red-colored Light, is filled to create the earliest great heart, great old? nevertheless take into account that day, I said: "for my center for the heart, Shi Zhi Yi dim phase." Year, we have no intention of encounter, it grew to be probably the most beautiful memory space of the life. Was appropriate or wrong, I could not tell, Serendipity, someplace appears to possess arranged. in the event you are me, you can possess the ability to experience, I dread the center afraid of missing this life, maybe in relation to wait around right up until the afterlife, and regardless of whether there is afterlife is nevertheless unknown, missing, maybe lifetimes.reedom-lily blogspot blog
Sister to me, and suffered relatively an awesome offer I owe sister is as well much, as well much! I am afraid my sister can be considered a challenging existence situation!

just yell

FengYun which can do it, now just yell chutian set to enter JuZi for two or three days, not to mention she is really... Soon, she gradually from passive to active, active spit clove to hover entwine.
Afterwards, he FengYun tidy sweater layered. XiuFen malicious stare in the silly smile, typical got cheap at the chutian kiss and tell. Finally feel shame or eat not, heavy on his on the cheek is not handsome a punch.
"You this guy, dare the beer!"
She didn't protect virgin peaks for so many years, unexpectedly such by a man touched, played so long. Now she can still feel ZuoFeng skin residue tactility and hot.
Chutian cover face happy giggle pain. Occupy so big cheap type, but only by face.
"Since you want to chase me, forbid they absolutely after play ambiguous. I but very can get jealous. If I saw, caution I put you yan!" Paused for a moment and said, "and let them see that we are not. If they see communication out, I also only have sacrifice you a, or put you to yan!"
Chutian almost forgot the present royal elder sister is a fierce girl, now want to smile or laugh and smile won't go down, wocbegone expression that a drained.
Former clap breast and hong jie yesterday referrals to hit a copy guarantee pass, then difficult FengYun the fight had girl. Now chutian feel refreshed, waist sour, leg pain, walk all the more powerful.
Especially see FengYun shyness can't and his next to look at one another and then gave the lovely eyes stare, chutian mood now is a word.
Like the formula racing is lacking in oil, TuTuTu park before the starting line, waiting for the sound of the whistle declared themselves can speed.
Of course this copy pass not he a person to play, or FengYun two people go to learn last time and death.
This is a group of people directly in the portal mightily to play out, convenient to go down after can directly.