Friday, July 1, 2011

Walk alone

Thought before, could not find anyone's shadow and only a person's lonely and wanted to return to the former front, completely immersed inside never wake up. People, ah!lojoshua yaplog blog

 No lonely without silence, how to live? Or head down quietly in the night walk. My patch of sky in which, looked up, can not find the ... ... only snow fluttering, wind whistling, do not bind tightly to their natural down jacket, cold, or cold; not feel the slightest warmth. Dragging Louis Vuittonr tired body home, lying on their comfortable bed tired, or tired, can not find the slightest comfortable. Forgotten, all were forgotten, only clearly remember: sunset, sky glow, a chair, an old tree, next to a cup of tea, find lost memories, did not find any traces of eyes closed sleeping nightmare never stopped.

 Perhaps all never happened, nothing left, just the years, not Louis Vuitton, not me, the snow still can not find Louis Vuitton, I can not be found. Where are Louis Vuittonr children? I was gone? Silence, silence, eternal silence, not sober. Or a person to go down quietly ... ...freedom-lily blogspot blog

Although sometimes I can be expressed on the surface of a very free and easy, in fact, he is more fit than I, and my heart more entangled, in which he is my biggest twist. I understand him, he was also puzzled me; maybe his heart can not have too much to accept my ideas, but hard to say it, but he kept saying I was a good girl, but I really do not feel to his understanding and trust me how this so-called good girls. Perhaps life really is like the game, Louis Vuitton play in this game can be the winner, if unable to extricate themselves way too deep into it on their own injuries, then their own healing, so reincarnation, until the end of life. And I experienced it several times this cycle? Experience a sense of just how to live without it? Is it true Louis Vuitton run out of this life?

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